Social, cultural and sports activities that reinforce our students’ sense of corporate belonging are offered to our students with a wide range of opportunities. Club activities, which are an important part of higher education life, contribute to the multifaceted development process of students.  17 student clubs are operating under Kocaeli Health and Technology University.  These clubs provide a space for students to develop activities in the fields of culture, art, sports and science throughout their learning life.  Activities inside and outside the school allow students to have fun and to act with a sense of unity and togetherness by strengthening social interaction. This activity is just as important as the professional and academic knowledge of our corporate identity.

CLICK for Student Membership Form

Debate Club
ulrAslan UNI Club
Search Rescue and First Aid Club
Music Club
Photography Club
Travel and Activity Club
Litreture Club
Solidarity and  Social Responsibility Club
Saving Natural Life and Environment Club
Collegian Young Fenerbahçe Supperters Club
Fine Arts Club
Health Club
Turkish History and Idea Club
Saving Animals  and Animal Rights Club
Theatre Club
Sport Club
Press Club