Acquiring knowledge in the 21st century understanding of education will be replaced by talent development. In other words, the repertoire of competencies of the person will become important not the product equipment. Talent development will become the main goal of education. The most important of these skills can be gathered under the headings of communication and cooperation, adequacy of a healthy life, production and conscious consumption adequacy. Kocaeli Health and Technology University graduates its students by equipping them with these basic competencies and skills regardless of their field and level of education. Graduates of Kocaeli Health and Technology University are trained to enter business life with a power and foresight that not only follows previously accepted ideas, but also recreates needs and rules within their own unique conditions. Turkish society with its young dynamic structure needs a qualified education where its people can be circulated in the international labour market. Kocaeli Health and Technology University graduates, on the one hand, are aimed to contribute to meeting the needs of a qualified workforce in our country, while they are aimed to be effective, efficient and sought-after members of the international labour market. The vision of Kocaeli Health and Technology University is on the basis of; Research motivation and skill, scientific freedom, equality of opportunity, social and moral sensitivity, success-orientedness, healthy living, being “us” individuals, the principles of respect for nature and human beings, and the values of being international individuals without departing from their own culture.
Our mission is to support the social, sportive, cultural and artistic development of the students by creating an education and training climate where theory and practice are synthesized with technology and by increasing the professional and academic development of the students to the level targeted by the age.
Our vision is to train professional staff who assimilate their own values and culture in contemporary, secular, democratic perspectives, integrate with world cultures, perform creative practices, perceive the basic theoretical references qualitatively in their field, and can construct their professional development with a lifelong educational approach. To become one of the distinguished educational institutions of our country by using the knowledge of the age, the expectations and experiences of strong stakeholders in the light of the professional education experiences of our country and the world.
Quality Policy
Our institution evaluates all processes of vocational education with a holistic approach; presenting yesterday, today and future fiction to its students on a scientific basis; with the awareness that quality is an uninterrupted process, it aims to train professional employees who can meet the realities of today and the expectations of the future. Our other goal is to raise individuals who have professional sensitivities, adopt a solution-oriented approach, and have acquired professional ethic concerns in a climate strengthened by the wealth of communication. Our other goal is to achieve these goals of our institution, to create administrative and academic staff, who are real stakeholders in the scientific, professional and social development of our students and also they overlap our founding mission and vision. Besides, our aim is also to realize all the elements that will ensure the continuity of this process. Design, implementation, follow-up, inspection, analysis and continuity, which are included in the quality processes, have been implemented in our institution with a certain discipline and a new approach as of the 2017-2018 academic year. In this process, both our infrastructure establishing efforts are underway in all aspects and our quality approach has been implemented to reach the standards determined by the Quality Board.