Coordinator of International Relations Unit

Enfal Sena ATALAY
Assistant Coordinator of International Relations Unit
The duties of the International Relations Unit Coordinatorship are as follows:
- Kocaeli Health and Technology University International Relations Coordinator; To carry out studies on the international relations policy of the University, to make suggestions on the development of international relations,
- To prepare the agreements concluded with universities and institutions abroad, to evaluate the existing agreements and to monitor their implementation, to make suggestions by producing alternative solutions to ensure an effective cooperation,
- To coordinate the operations related to all projects supported by the European Union and Erasmus+ education programs carried out within the framework of Education and youth programs and to carry out relations with the National Agency on behalf of the University,
- To make agreements in line with education and internship mobility within the scope of Erasmus and to follow the march of agreements,
- In the work to be performed within the scope of Erasmus National Agency in accordance with the application’s faculty and staff provide the ability to select the manual, the authority of the rector on behalf of the University, and sign the learning agreement before the mobility of the units with the agreements between institutions to coordinate the execution of the administrative processes; education and training activities in this regard will be uninterrupted coordinate the execution of the educational process of students and staff and selected administrative,
- Planning a budget target for the exchange program in this direction by the annual budget allocated by the National Agency for mobility and apply to most effectively operate in order to achieve mobility by using as many as possible,
- To ensure the coordination of visiting students and staff (academic and administrative) who come within the scope of exchange programs with the relevant departments at the university and to host them well, to ensure the follow-up of their administrative affairs,
- To manage student exchange programs that are outside the scope of the Erasmus program in accordance with Farabi, Mevlana and cooperation protocols,
- Bilateral and multilateral international educational cooperation protocols were signed with all countries of the world; to contribute to the development of the University’s international connections, international faculty and student exchanges provide,
- To participate in international fairs, meetings, events and to visit higher education and enterprises for the purpose of cooperation,
Editing and updating the website of the International Relations Office, - Evaluate foreign students, admission of students to adapt themselves to guide college students to the solution of problems with regard to the relevant units in the event of claims to offer advice and assistance to the student the day of the meeting edit
- To perform similar tasks that will be assigned by the Rector, the Secretary General and the General Coordinator in line with the internationalization goals contained in the strategic plan in line with international academic relations,
- To perform similar duties to be given by the Board of Trustees, the Rector and the Secretary General.